Ministry is a lifestyle – not something you go do. At YWAM Sunny Coast we believe in missional living.
That means that whatever you do, do it to reflect the heart and character of God.
Missional living is about legitimising your presence in the place God has called you.
At YWAM Sunny Coast we are radically committed to releasing people into missional living opportunities.
Here are some of the ways we are doing that:
– Running a skate shop to connect with skaters and their families
– Running an espresso bar/surf shop in a local surf community to connect with locals
– Building skate parks to connect with local councils and communities
– Working as a barber…people pour their hearts out to their barber
– Teaching religious education in schools
– Community development in developing nations
– Evangelism teams
– Surf coaching
– We also have graphic designers, computer gurus, baristas, photographers…the list is endless
And this is our motivation:
The goal is to legitimise our presence in a sphere – to bring the incarnational presence of Jesus.
Our philosophy is not to ask you to join OUR ministry, but to ask how can we help you develop your ministry?
What dream has God put in you?
We are excited to hear about it and figure out how we can support you in that. Our vision is your vision.
We love to say YES, and then figure out how we can make it work, as quickly and as painlessly as possible.